I have this in my routes:
path: ‘/post/:postid/:posturl/:postdate/:postcaption/’,
Hello {{$route.params.postid}} , {{$route.params.posturl}}, {{$route.params.postcaption}}
path: ‘(.*)’,
url: ‘./pages/404.html’,
Can somebody explain to me why my page results in a 404 when there’s a special character in the {{$route.params.postcaption}} output? There are special characters in {{$route.params.posturl}} as well but it displays the passed parameter without issues. Am I missing something?
can you share the raw url of both routes
Not sure if I understand you correctly, were you asking for the route that contains the perimeters to be passed?
path: ‘/me/’,
url: ‘./pages/me.html’,
If you were asking for a link, I’m afraid there isn’t. Sorry. Phonegap plugins in the app made it not work properly in browsers.
ok, and you dont know the link?
can you make an alert with the link and paste de route;
Oooh… I get what you mean now. Hahaha! Sorry about that.
Here’s one of the links that result in 404:
/post/13/userid_533783103.jpg/2018-05-11 16:34:39/Testing Pls work./
The postcaption parameter is what’s causing the error. As you can see, it’s not different from the others but whenever I remove the period it works as intended. When I leave it as it is, it results in an error.
Thanks for taking time to look into this.
can you try your route like this:
encodeURI('/post/13/userid_533783103.jpg/2018-05-11 16:34:39/Testing Pls work./')
I did but it didn’t work, unfortunately. Any idea what’s going on with it?
my bad, try now
encodeURIComponent ('/post/13/userid_533783103.jpg/2018-05-11 16:34:39/Testing Pls work./')
Sorry, still doesn’t work. I’m thinking if we can replace the period with something like “[period]”, then pass it, then, turn it back into a period then I think we’re set. Although I don’t think it’s impossible to do in routes?
ok, one last try
if this dosnt work, i think that you should replade the dot with another char
encodeURIComponent ('/post/13/userid_533783103.jpg/2018-05-11 16:34:39/Testing Pls work./').replace(/\./g, '%2E');
It didn’t work either. I guess I’ll have to find another way then. Thanks for all your help @pvtallulah. Truly appreciate it!
If I find another solution I’ll be sure to update this thread.
ok i will test your route problem when i have some time.
So i test it and the solution was really simple;
i change this route:
path: '/post/:postid/:posturl/:postdate/:postcaption/',
for this one:
// Note i remove the last slash ---> /
path: '/post/:postid/:posturl/:postdate/:postcaption',
and my link is like this:
// also no slash
<a class="item-content item-link" href="/post/13/userid_533783103.jpg/2018-05-11 16:34:39/Testing Pls work.">
my result on pageInit page.route.params
"postid": "13",
"posturl": "userid_533783103.jpg",
"postdate": "2018-05-11 16:34:39",
"postcaption": "Testing Pls work."
give it a try