What next big feature you wait or want in Framework7?

Это все костыли.
А вот новый шаблон, который на 100% интегрирован со стилями вк - было бы очень круто.


I would love to see a more a integrated form of localization, so one doesn’t have to reset every string for modals etc.

maybe even using: https://github.com/kelvinhokk/cordova-plugin-localization-strings
so there is only one way for localization :slight_smile:

Dear Vlade & Team
Thanks for the great work.
I am currently using a lot the documentation of Framework 7 for the Svelte component. I often search in Google for a specific keyword like “framework7 beforeEnter” and will land for example on the documentation page for Core. For such cases it would be very nice to have a direct link to the same documentation of any other component like Svelte etc. directly on the documentation page. This would make the navigation between different component impl. in Framework7 less painful.


A “print this page” (print content on current page) module would be cool. :smiley:

I use i18next.js with my Framework7 app and it works great.

that’s an amazing idea!


I will like an option to build a F7 app with the app code inside it’s own worker; DOM code only on the main thread. Is it feasible?

Only if it significantly improve performance, thus user experience - of course.

Thank you,


Here’s an example.

Было бы здорово добавить в таблицы Data Table виртуальные полосы прокрутки по вертикали и горизонтали…
С учетом распространения PWA, добавить body scroll lock с включённым скроллом page-content по умолчанию

Можно подробнее, что это такое?

Как известно, в PWA скроллится вся страница.
Задача: body должен быть статичен, а скроллится только вложенный контент.
Элегантного js/css решения в одну строку нет, приходится использовать сторонние пакеты.
Было бы здорово, чтобы F7 решал вопрос из коробки…
P.S. Самый легкий сторонний пакет body-scroll-lock, также есть другие похожие, но они тяжелее.

Что за задача такая? Не понимаю, зачем такое нужно

Чтобы быть как приложение, а не как сайт.

A way to show available time slots after selecting a date in calendar. Maybe that is a good idea for next feature?

A rollup bundler option would be awesome! :slight_smile:

Please update material icons bundle to 4.0.0

1 Like

Please, you can update it by yourself by replacing font files or following material icons instruction

Hi @nolimits4web, is there a roadmap on v6? I noticed it started to pop up on the releases a few weeks ago. Exciting times! Thank you.

As for suggestions:

  • Auto Breadcrumbs based on title or special data tag and router
  • Stepper (Like Pagination as well but with definable icon/text connection visuals. eg. Cart->Checkout->Thank You)
  • Pagination of some kind shouldn’t be hard since nearly identical to Swipe Slider but with icons other than dots and arrow options on each side.

Sugguestions I would vote up:

  • Parallax background elements
  • Small animations

If you have compute heavy elements, you can try to incorporate:

As for Framework7, I think majority is Dom manipulation so not sure how helpful moving elements off to a worker would be since you have to be very async about it and there might be overheads with this as well. eg. HDD sequential vs 4k files test speeds

I ended up using Iconify for icons, as it’s way more up to date than even the google font. The Git repository download for the google Material font is way out of date.