What next big feature you wait or want in Framework7?

The ability to sort by columns in tables. :grin:

I know it does not belong to this topic but searching the web I did not find a good updated tutorial to learn Framework7 from scratch, it would be very good to have an official course, whether paid or free, that covers F7 from the beginning to advanced.

Vue3 has been officially released today! :slight_smile:
Will Framework7 support it with its v6?

In V6, could we chose between Cordova and Capacitor?

I’m going to go out a limb here and say this may be low on the list of things, don’t know how big the FW7 team is but my feeling is, its more dev focused. Docs always seem to be the last part :smiley:

The docs generally are up to date and easy to follow but for beginners it can be a bit overwhelming and depending on your level it may be out of reach because other underlying implied knowledge is not there.

I think from an adoption standpoint, this could be better to help grow the user-base as I personally think FW7 is by far one of the best frameworks out there, mainly because it does not really rely on any other platform but plays well with them if you wish.

Yes, in v6 there will be Vue 3 support and no Vue 2 support. Better capacitor support (which is already supported) will be also added to CLI templates


Предложение: сделать анимацию при создании / удалении элемента из DOM в F7 Core :slight_smile:

theme aurora: Right Click Context menue?

From my point of view, swipe left/right is pretty common for smart phones/tablets but pretty unusual for a desktop design.
A right click context menue would a better approach in this case…

Best regards

+1 vote! Enhance cards to implement the Wallet interface

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that are working smoothly across android/ios with fade-in/fade-out effect?
e.g. like https://github.com/Grsmto/simplebar

Basic state management
Similar to Mobx V6 or Reactivity in Vue v3, applied to F7 core?


It would be awesome if you could do this:

  <custom-menu @click="customThing"></custom-menu>

import customMenu from './components/menus'

export default {  
  components: [customMenu],
  methods: {
    customThing() {


Yes, there is a all new Store management in v6

You mean to use custom component in place without registering them globally? Yes, also already possible in v6


Оказывается это уже частично поддерживается (но не документировано https://github.com/framework7io/framework7/issues/2614) В v6 будет поддержка лучше

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I am very interested in the "all new Store management.
That will be a great feature and hopefully it will increase the simplicity (cq reduction of complexity) of the F7 design !
Can’t wait for V6 :slight_smile:

Насколько я понимаю, была задача расширить шаблонизацию в Core, поскольку Template7 откровенно не мощный, а делать что-то более сложное не приоритетная задача. Для этого была использована библиотека htm. Но в Kitchen с этими h `` как-то совсем странно и сложно для восприятия, нагромождено получается.

Пожелания: сделать как в Svelte, например:

{if var1}



или как в Vue:

<div f-if="var1">
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I took a quick peek in V6 but could not determine how the Store management has been implemented.
I think it could be a great feature.
@nolimits4web is there any information to be shared in advance ?

What i noticed is missing in F7 classes a way to hide/display stuff only at big screen/small screen just like grid but with display/hide

You can just create a couple of your own classes and use CSS media queries for that.

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i wish they add an emoji space in the app.messagebar