What next big feature you wait or want in Framework7?

Would it be possible to make the router component methods async?

Isn’t it already supported?


Yes I can still do what I want with the existing component structure in a more roundabout manner: I’m grabbing some data asynchronously from a promise in the router component’s “beforeCreate” method that I want to use when initialising a picker component. When the promise resolves I’m not sure if the DOM will already be created or not since it’s happening asynchronously. So I check the presence of $el on the component in the resolve method. If $el is not present then I have to check in the router component “mounted” method to see if the picker was created or not and create it if it was not created. Perhaps there is a better way of doing this?

If the router component methods were async I could use await in beforeCreate I would know that the promise’s data has been grabbed for sure before moving onto the other stages of the component initialisation. The code would be simpler. Maybe not quite as efficient but good for prototyping and I can optimise it later. This is my use case. I can do a jsfiddle if you want to see the details.

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Ok, see what you mean. Will add it


Hello, thanks for this great framework I love it !

  • I would suggest page transition handle
  • splash screen component
  • file upload support for forms

Would be possible to add virtual-list option to the data-tables… :slight_smile:

  1. Calendar View as in iOS or Android (Day View)
  2. Messages: Multimedia chat bubbles (Audio, Video) expandable image bubble like the Expandable Card
  3. Centered Popup/Modal List view selector n(Checkboxes or Radio buttons)
  4. Splash screen with cool animation
  5. +1 Parallax header
  6. Google Maps show a drop pin, click it to show popover
  7. App Sliding Intro
  8. Background Image (blurred or faded ) on Auth Pages e.g Login
  9. File List View with Icons

Add a FAB button on the Parallax header like this one: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*qWB7jtbuZB321ZCO5prSXA.png

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Привет, Владимир. Было бы здорово добавить возможность изменять вид календаря - месяц, неделя, соответственно оставив переключение между неделями свайпами.

Add some kind of disabled to SmartSelect.

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Add favorites handle too

Would be great to have any build-in tool for localization/internationalization (l11n/i18n).

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Мои хотелки больше касаются Авроры (electron):

  1. Вкладки:

    • Атрибуты:
      • Иконка (icon)
      • Название (title)
      • Всплывающая подсказка (tooltip)
      • Возможность сортировки (sortable)
    • Методы:
      • Закрытие, при закрытии переключение на предыдущую по истории активности, а не соседнюю вкладку (close)
      • Открытие
      • Переключение на предыдущий или следующую соседнюю вкладку по соседству (prev/next)
    • События:
      • show (уже есть)
      • hide (при активации на другую вкладку, для активной вкладки)
      • sort (при горизонтальной сортировки мышью)
  2. Контекстное меню для правой кнопки мыши

  3. Возможность перетаскивания модальных окон мышью (при показе большой информации в виде таблиц, пользователю нужно подсмотреть данные за модальным окном)

Было бы здорово еще иметь хорошую обертку вокруг inout type=file: штука частая, в теме тут спрашивали, а я расшифрую:

  1. Красивый дизайн кнопки.
  2. Показ превью картинки.
  3. API для выбора файла: кликаем на какую-то кнопку вне формы и открывается диалог выбора.
  4. Мощная интеграция с плагинами Cordova: camera и file
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Wooow! Waiting v5 :slight_smile: Thanks

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I tried to make parallax in the app, but the performance on smartphones was terrible…

Yeah, that is the reason why i didn’t make it before.

First of all I’d like to say “I love F7”.

The most requested feature for me is to improve Data tables. It’d be nice to have the possibility to edit data directly on table (hopefully with validators), and have callbacks on cell changed, row changed, etc. Also possibility to retrieve data in object (as modified by the user) and embed other controls in cells (i.e. select or button). Another desiderata is the possibility to format rows and cells based on data (i.e. row background color depending on a field). I write LOB apps and need to find different components for all of this.

Thanks a lot for your fantastic work.



A virtual list stick-header ( there was a post on it and I got it working however their is some jumping as the list updates maybe a better way to do this? )

This Codepen looks promising :sunglasses:

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